The Events manager allows you to create and maintain a searchable calendar of events and activities.
Who has access:
You must have one of the checked permissions to use this manager.
Events Coordinator

- TITLE: Enter a title for your Events manager section. This title will appear on your main menu should you choose to display the link.
- ADD LINK TO SITE MENU: Select "Yes" from the drop down menu to display the link on your menu. Select "No" from the drop down menu to not display the link on your menu.
- DEFAULT VIEW: Select Calendar or List view from the drop down menu. Your events will display according to your selection.
- DEFAULT DATE RANGE: Set the date range in which to show your events while in List view.
- DATE LIST FORMAT: Select the format in which to display the event date in List view.
- EVENT PROVIDER: Select System or ServiceU from the drop down menu. If you are not a ServiceU customer, leave System selected as the provider.
- SEARCH SUMMARY: Enter descriptive information to be used for Search Engine data and Site Search data.
- SHORTCUT: This allows you to make a shortcut to your Events manager page. It will be a one word entry (i.e. calendar). It can be accessed on the Web by typing in www.yourdomainname/shortcutname. (For example:
- DESIGN OPTIONS: Click the design option that is currently shown. A window will appear with the other designs you made available in the Additional Designs section of the Designs manager. Select the design you want to apply to this page.
- Add/Edit page contents using the Page Editor. For help with the functionality of the Page Editor, see Using the Editor for more information.
- Click the Save
icon in the upper right corner of your screen to save your Events manager page settings.
This feature is only applicable to those who have the People manager.
- Select an appropriate person from the drop down menu. The list of names that appear is populated from your People manager. The person must have an email address entered in your People manager in order to appear.
- Click the Save
icon within the dialog box.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each Coordinator you want to add.
- To delete a Coordinator, click the Delete
icon to the left of the person's name.
Add/Delete Panels
- Click the Panels tab.
- Using the first drop down menu, select the panel you wish to display.
- The panel you select will appear in the preview window at the bottom of the Panels dialog box.
- Using the second drop down menu, select the display position for the area you want the panel to appear on your site.
- Click the Save
icon within the dialog box. Repeat this process for each panel you wish to add.
- To delete a panel placement, click the Delete
icon to the left of the panel title.
Update Panel Position and Order
- Click the Panel Name
- Using the first drop down menu, select the display position for the area you want the panel to appear on your site.
- Using the second drop down menu, select the order in which you want the panel to display. By selecting "1", the panel will appear first within its assigned position. By selecting "2", the panel will appear second within its assigned position.
- Click the Save
icon within the dialog box. Repeat this process for each panel you wish to update.
Search Community Content

- Click the Add New Event
- TITLE: Type in the name of the event.
- START DATE: Click this field to bring up the date selection dialog and choose the start date for your event. Alternatively, you may Tab into the Start Date field and type your start date. It must be in the exact format show to the right of the field.
- END DATE: Click this field to bring up the date selection dialog and choose the end date for your event. Alternatively, you may Tab into the End Date field and type your end date. It must be in the exact format show to the right of the field.
- START TIME: Click this field to bring up the time selection dialog and choose the end time for your event. Alternatively, you may Tab into the Start Time field and type your start time. It must be in the exact format show to the right of the field.
- END TIME: Click this field to bring up the time selection dialog and choose the end time for your event. Alternatively, you may Tab into the End Time field and type your end time. It must be in the exact format show to the right of the field.
- LOCATION: Enter the location for your event.
- PROMOTE ON HOME PAGE: Select "Yes" to automatically add a link to the event in the feature (Just For You) section of your home page.
- CONTENT ACCESS: This allows you to set the minimum security level required to view your event. For more information on setting access, see the People manager as this option will only appear to those who have the People manager.
- Guest: This allows anyone who visits your site to view your event.
- Member: This allows only those who have Site Member access or greater to view your event.
- Site Contributor: This allows only those who have Site Contributor access or greater to view your event.
- Site Editor: This allows only those who have Site Editor access or greater to view your event.
- Site Administrator: This allows only those who have Site Administrator access to view your event.
- SEARCH SUMMARY: Enter descriptive information to be used for Search Engine data and Site Search data.
- SHORTCUT: This allows you to make a shortcut to a specific event. It will be a one word entry (i.e. lunch). It can be accessed on the Web by typing in (For example: Note: You must create a shortcut in the Manager Settings section of the Events manager in order for the shortcut to the specific event to work.
- Add/Edit event contents using the Page Editor. For help with the functionality of the Page Editor, see Using the Editor for more information.
- Click the Save
icon in the upper right corner of your screen to save your settings.
This allows you to make an Event viewable only by users in the selected group or groups. The user must be granted Member access or greater within the group to see the Event. For more information on setting access, see the
People manager.
- You must first setup your target groups in the Groups manager.
- Users must be assigned to the group to be included in the target groups. This can be done by the individual through setting his/her preferences at log in or by changing those preferences from your Web site's home page. You can also do this manually through the People manager.
- Choose the group you wish to grant access and click the Save
icon in the upper right corner of the dialog box.
- To delete a group, click the Delete
icon to the left of the group name.
This allows you to limit promotion of this Events's content on your Home page to specific groups.
Note: You must set Promote on Home Page to "Yes" to promote the page. This tab only appears if you have the People and Groups managers.
- You must first setup your target groups in the Groups manager.
- Users must be assigned to the group to be included in the target groups. This can be done by the individual through setting his/her preferences at log in or by changing those preferences from your Web site's home page. You can also do this manually through the People manager.
- Choose the group you wish to grant access and click the Save
icon in the upper right corner of the dialog box.
- To delete a group, click the Delete
icon to the left of the group name.
You must schedule an event for it to appear on your calendar or event listing. See the
Event Scheduling section for detailed information on adding your event to your calendar or event listing.
- SCHEDULED EVENT - This event type has been scheduled and will appear on your calendar or event listing.
- UNSCHEDULED EVENT - This event is not scheduled, thus will not appear on your calendar or event listing. See the Event Scheduling section for detailed information on adding your event to your calendar or event listing.
Add/Delete Panels
- Click the Panels tab.
- Using the first drop down menu, select the panel you wish to display.
- The panel you select will appear in the preview window at the bottom of the Panels dialog box.
- Using the second drop down menu, select the display position for the area you want the panel to appear on your site.
- Click the Save
icon within the dialog box. Repeat this process for each panel you wish to add.
- To delete a panel placement, click the Delete
icon to the left of the panel title.
Update Panel Position and Order
- Click the Panel Name
- Using the first drop down menu, select the display position for the area you want the panel to appear on your site.
- Using the second drop down menu, select the order in which you want the panel to display. By selecting "1", the panel will appear first within its assigned position. By selecting "2", the panel will appear second within its assigned position.
- Click the Save
icon within the dialog box. Repeat this process for each panel you wish to update.
Search Community Content
- Delete an Event or Events by selecting the check box to the left of the Event ID number.
- Click the Delete Selected
icon. Once an Event is deleted, there is not a way to retrieve the Event.
- Alternatively, you may click the Delete
icon within the Event itself.