Web Administrator's Guide
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
What can I do on the Coordinators tab I see in various managers?If you subscribe to a package which contains the People manager, you have probably noticed that many of the managers in your Control Panel have a Coordinators tab.
The Coordinators tab can be used to give certain people in your People manager the ability to manage just that one part of your website. Let's say you have a volunteer who is a member of your organization and is willing to manage an area of the site such as the Events. As long as you have this person's profile stored in the People manager and have an email address for them in the Contacts section of their profile, you can choose them on the Coordinators tab of the Events manager. Once that's done, they will be able to log in and manage only the Events manager. So now they can assist you in maintaining a part of your site – without having full access to the entire site. Note that the level of site access you have given to their profile in the People manager will determine exactly what they will be able to do within the manager they are a coordinator of while logged in.